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Chapter 1344 The Schoolboy's Dream:>Ep55

  • The women's hands went to my belt and Mr. Jenkins held the ladder. I stepped up and then stepped again - which brought me to where I could see. The camera had a small clip that was latched onto the grid-work that held the ceiling tile. I pulled out the Ziploc, removed the camera, and dropped it into the baggie. I handed it down to Mrs. Williams.
  • She turned, carefully set it on the edge of the sink, and then turned back to grab my belt once more, saying, "Alright, come back down two steps and then Mr. Jenkins can hand you the new tile. You might as well save him the trouble since you're already up there."
  • One of Kasey's hands "slipped" and she brushed it against my cock. I looked down to see Mr. Jenkins eyes get a little bigger - just before Mrs. Williams, in a firm but threatening tone, said, "Kasey Nicole Williams Mitchell."
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